We value a grace relationship in Christ

•   Living in the complete grace work of Jesus Christ – it cost Him everything, so that it would cost us nothing

•   Working out the Gospel of grace in our own lives – a life of sacrificial obedience as a gift of gratitude for God’s grace

•   Learning God’s Word and putting it into practice

•   Communing in prayer

•   Worshiping passionately


We value grace relationships in our families

•   Challenging men to spiritual leadership

•   Elevating and equipping parents to become disciple-makers

•   Becoming the family of God to fragmented families

We value grace relationships with other believers

•   Living out honest accountability and complete authenticity

•   Encouraging one another with grace-inspired optimism

•   Understanding and practicing confrontation in grace and love

•   Meeting emotional and physical needs

•   Pursuing hospitality

We value grace relationships with unbelievers

•   Responding first with the Gospel of grace

•   Taking God’s grace into the world, rather than expecting pre-Christians to come to us

•   Showing the love and grace of Christ – no strings attached – to our community in practical ways

•   Engaging strategic grace relationships with friends, neighbors and coworkers